Guest blog from B2 Interactive

Working in the social media space, we are always watching the “stock” of platforms and determining who’s using them and why. I generally have a good inclination for which platforms or features are going to be big hits and which ones will be fads. However, I’ve been tragically wrong on a few:

  1. I 100 percent believed in my heart that MySpace would eventually absorb Facebook and was a hardcore “Team MySpace-r.” I never thought that I’d spend my time on a social network where I couldn’t have my favorite Jimmy Eat World song automatically play for visitors.
  2. I was one of the first ones to get on Google+ and even believed some of my friends in the industry who said, “Dude, you won’t even need your Facebook anymore!”

And finally:

  1. I’ve been quoted as saying, “Snapchat is only for tweens, and I refuse to even download the app.”

I was for sure wrong on the first two, and the third is not only incorrect, but Snapchat has become one of my favorite apps both personally and for a lot of the brands we work with. It’s a platform where you can afford to take some risks, peel back the curtain, and give friends and fans the opportunity to feel like they are in on a secret.

Not everybody needs to be on Snapchat right now, but here are 6 industries that should be on Snapchat today.


Sports fans love having inside knowledge and being as close to the action as possible. Snapchat awards them that opportunity. Whether it’s being in the dugout after a home run with the Omaha Storm Chasers or literally being inside the Tunnel Walk at Memorial Stadium, Snapchat gives an unapparelled digital experience for new fans learning about the team or diehards that are starving for content.

BONUS TIP: Buy a yearlong Geofilter for your arena or stadium so your fans will never be left without a way to brand their selfie.


What does your favorite band like to eat after a show? What happens on the bus two hours before a gig? What new riffs are they working on for the upcoming album? Musicians are finding a deeper connection with their fans through Snapchat that goes well beyond the tunes. Just think of the things we would have seen if The Beatles would have had Snapchat. Luckily, we have DJ Khaled giving us poolside major keys to life.


If you sell tickets to events that you want people to get excited about, you need to be on Snapchat. Your concert venue, bar, or bingo hall has a lot of stories to tell and a timely way to get that story in front of potential ticket buyers is Snapchat. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen highlights from a show the night before and suffered from a serious case of FOMO and vowed not to miss the next event.


You eat with your eyes, right? What better platform to show off your chops for hungry fans. Maybe they don’t need to see how the sausage is made, but an inside look to why your restaurant is a cut above will go a long way when people are deciding where to stuff their faces.


Want to connect with millennial car buyers? Be where they are and be authentic. A car can be an extension of your personality and accomplishments, and Snapchat allows you to show off the personality of both the cars, the dealership, and the salespeople. Tear down the negative association of “car salesman” and show your customers you are real people who want to see them in an awesome vehicle.


There’s no shortage of workout selfies on social media, but Snapchat is becoming a place for motivating people who’ve never seen a sunrise to do some sun salutations before their day begins. Indoor cycling, barre, TRX, Yoga, whatever your specialty is, Snapchat is a great place to show off smiling, sweaty people to motivate that person in their sweatpants deciding what to do when Netflix asks, “ARE YOU STILL THERE?”.


That’s right. You should be on Snapchat. Whether it’s connecting with your favorite brands or simply feeling a little closer to friends you don’t see that often, you should get an account. It’s even a way to stay connected with the world with the new Snap Map feature that lets you zoom around the world where you can see a heat map of where events are happening and where your friends are.

Who’s killing it Snapchat? Tell us in the comments below.