What to Expect at This Year’s HIRE Conference
A virtual experience this year, the 5th annual HIRE Conference has a concrete challenge for the region’s talent acquisition and HR professionals – instead of going back to the way it used to be, reboot the hiring process and move forward to the way it should be.
The current situation “gives us an opportunity to actually create something that might be better, maybe something more sane, something a little bit more focused, rather than just doing it the way we’ve done it for years and years,” said Bryan Johanson, COO of The Adler Group, a consulting and training company specializing in hiring process reengineering. He is also the HIRE Conference’s keynote speaker.
“My hope,” Johanson said, “is that I will challenge the people who come to really step back, look at what they’re doing and ask the question, ‘Is this producing the win-win hiring that we want?’”
“I think it’s the perfect time to retool, to upscale, to rethink. That’s why the HIRE Conference has such great potential.” – Bryan Johanson, COO, The Adler Group; HIRE Conference keynote speaker
Virtual HIRE Conference – “A Must for Businesses”
The virtual HIRE Conference will be held on July 30, 2020 as companies continue the comeback from COVID-19 and address common questions: Are we going to hire? Who are we going to hire? How do we hire, onboard and engage workers remotely?
“In a matter of days, businesses had to ensure their HR processes were fluid once again as we shifted to an environment where accommodating prospective employees with virtual interviewing, e-hiring, and remote work environments became the new standard. … In the recruitment world, employer success with attracting and engaging talent is often dependent on how quickly businesses can adapt to economic and technological shifts,” said Ben Gano, director of talent strategy, Enova Group; HIRE Conference co-creator and 1st and 2nd co-chair.
Whether it’s a time of crisis or calm, Gano said the HIRE conference is a must for businesses that want to understand what other top employers in the Omaha community are doing to attract and retain talent.
“Over the last 5 years, the HIRE Conference has been a place for the most progressive Omaha recruiters and HR professionals to congregate and discuss the hottest talent strategies,” Gano said.
Rebooting Hiring
Keynote speaker Johanson’s leadership experience in start-up and Fortune 500 companies provides him a unique perspective on the issues of hiring top talent. His keynote is titled “Rebooting Hiring.”
He encourages talent acquisition and HR professionals to register for any relevant conference right now – and especially HIRE – because “we have an opportunity of time. COVID-19 has slowed down the clock for certain things, which allows us to be more deliberate about what we do and to retool, upscale, step back and think differently.”
He said the HIRE Conference is a great avenue “to get the audience engaged in a two-way conversation that I think we desperately need to have … and ignite something that we can then work on together.”
Breakout Session Speakers: Delivering New Tools and Practices
In addition to Johanson’s keynote, the 2020 HIRE conference features a dynamic slate of breakout speakers and session topics designed to equip recruiters with new tools and practices.

Recruiters: Don’t Crash and Burn
Candi Jones, professional career coach, Mutual of Omaha
Learn to recognize the signs of recruiter burn-out and practices to implement when they start to become visible. Plus, insights that can help recruiters assess internal resources and partnerships to accelerate their efforts to find and hire the best talent.

Unconscious Bias and Recruitment: Trying to Get the Upper Hand
Shavonne Washington-Krauth, culture & inclusion manager, Children’s Hospital & Medical Center
A lesson in unconscious bias – what it is, how to spot it and ways unconscious bias can impact the recruitment cycle. Attendees will leave the session ready to act with strategies to mitigate unconscious bias in the recruitment and hiring process.

Compensation after COVID-19
Andie Gordman, senior consultant, SilverStone Group, a HUB International Company
With an expanded talent pool to choose from – a result of COVID-19 layoffs – talent managers and HR professionals are rethinking compensation. Delve into the process for obtaining reliable compensation data before discussing your total rewards package, including culture, flexible scheduling and growth opportunities.

What You Need to Know About Hiring Veterans
Sharon Robino-West, MA, Community Employment Coordinator, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Who doesn’t want to support our Veterans? Studies show that when you hire a veteran you are hiring a loyal worker who knows how to take direction, yet think for themselves and improvise, adapt and overcome when the need arises. Veterans can be one of your greatest employment assets.
Explore New Approaches. Enhance Your Skills.
Each year, the HIRE Conference features thought-provoking speakers and breakout sessions designed to equip recruiters with news tools and practices.