Even before he put his name on the door, John Massih knew what he wanted his law firm to be. Believing that legal knowledge and expertise are the baseline, he focuses on giving his clients more. And that more is service. “We do what we say we are going to do, every time. Our clients know what to expect before it has happened. Transparency and doing what you say you will do creates trust and happy clients,” John said

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Massih Law is a multi-state practice serving Nebraska, Iowa, Connecticut, and New York.  As a firm specializing in estate planning and administration, business, and real estate, Massih helps individuals and businesses protect their assets and legacies.  “When I became a lawyer, I really wanted to have the type of firm where all we did was help people. We’re here to protect folks and their loved ones to the greatest extent possible. We focus on creating solutions to people’s challenges — solutions that actually work,” John said.

In a time when legal documents such as wills can be downloaded off the internet for free, people rely on Massih Law to make sure everything is done correctly, leaving no stone unturned in their estate and asset protection plans.

Most people are under the misconception that estate planning is only for wealthy people, but that’s not the case at Massih Law. John said, “The vast majority of folks we serve are not ultra-wealthy individuals — we do estate planning for the 98% of the population that isn’t considered wealthy.”

To ensure Massih Law delivers the highest level of service, the firm hires smart, capable people and gives them the room to do their job without micromanagement. With a focus on training their employees well — including cross-training on multiple responsibilities — employees empower themselves. John said, “We believe that everyone who works here is part of one family. We foster a culture of kindness while giving our talent the grace to be exactly who they are instead of a version of what they are expected to be in the workplace.”

Copy of 2023.05.05 PFL _SMP_ Create a Stronger Blended Family Through Estate Planning

When asked about the value of his membership in the Chamber, John replied that even though he’s relatively new to the Chamber, his membership allows him to get involved with the community in a different way than he had been in the past. He went on to explain: “Being a member of the Chamber has given me the opportunity to connect with individuals who want to have an active hand in the growth of our business community. Just about everyone who is dedicated to promoting Omaha’s economy and helping businesses flourish is part of the Chamber. Plus, I’m very interested in contributing time and resources towards setting the strategic direction of the state. The Chamber is the place to be for change-makers.”

Massih Law’s focus doesn’t end with the business sector.  The firm also supports community enhancement. John and his staff are champions for education, believing that an educated population benefits everyone. With that in mind, the practice offers free educational events, helping people understand what estate planning can and can’t do for their families. Part of that education includes alerting them to potential traps that can come up, especially for those who rely on free online documents for estate and asset planning. John explained that when you have a collection of documents without a plan, you may not be giving your loved ones — or your legacy — the protection they deserve. You need strategies and advice from seasoned experts. 

A big part of the practice’s business is helping families who have children with special needs and educating families about how to create plans that protect their kids when they can’t do it themselves due to incapacity. According to John, the rules in this area are complicated and the pitfalls are treacherous. The law firm strives to prepare and protect the community from making unnecessary mistakes, and it starts with education.

When asked what advice he would give to other business owners, John replied, “Your success will only be limited by the number of people you are willing to help. As service providers, don’t monetize yourself. Make sure you’re providing real value with a relationship that can be relied upon.” 

Learn more about https://massihlaw.com/

Read more about our winner in this month’s Midlands Business Journal.