You know what we’re talking about – that idea that’s been nagging at you for a while, your “wouldn’t it be cool if…,” that something big you want to accomplish for your career, company, community or the world.

On Tuesday, Oct. 11, let’s take it out of the wrapper, place it under the sunlamp, and develop a plan-of-action to help it grow into that something you know it can be. That’s what Make / Happen is all about; a “Conference for Doers” that we’ve made sure is worthy of your time, your energy – and your idea. 

Start with three incredible keynote speakers (culture changers / diversity practitioners / catalysts of big ideas):

  • Tiffany Shlain / Emmy-nominated filmmaker, speaker and Webby Awards Founder / Opening Keynote
    Adaptability & Creativity in the 21st Century: Why going beyond digital connections – and re-emphasizing human connections – is critical to making “things” happen.  
  • Erik Wahl / Internationally-renowned artist, business strategist, entrepreneur and philanthropist / Mid-day Keynote
    Redefine Failure: What it means to fail – and how we can use failure to reach our goals.
  • Nick Tasler / internationally-acclaimed thought leader and bestselling author / Closing Keynote
    Make / Happen – The Power of Your Decision: Shape the future you want to see. Explore the impact of a decisive mindset. 

Next, empower the agenda – and our hundreds of participants – with even more motivation, inspiration and education through carefully-selected, expertly-led breakout sessions. 

Here’s a taste… 

  • Innovation & Creativity
    The 24 Hour Creative / Steve Gordon / RDQLUS Creative
    Ignite your ability to ideate and find solutions by being creative all day, every day.
  • Risk Taking & Bravery
    Bravery: The Greatest Risk Is Not Taking It Karissa Johnson / Seven by 30
    What if you could conquer fear, push past anxiety – and win? Map out a no-fail plan to risk taking as you face giants head-on.  
  • Creating Your Ideal Company Culture
    Startup / Dusty Reynolds / RaceNote
    Getting it right from the beginning – leading a start-up with intention.
  • Small & Local Jay Wilkinson / Firespring
    Creating and scaling up a small company feel – as the company grows. 

…and there’s more where that came from. 

Start the day with an intention. End it with a plan of action. Register to join us at Make / Happen – A Conference for Doers.


Tuesday, Oct. 11
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Holland Performing Arts Center


Check out the complete Make/Happen agenda.

Registration deadline: Deadline: Oct. 4.

Connect. Be Inspired. Create a path – and a plan – to propel yourself forward.
