NOVEMBER 2, 2016  
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Comfort Inn & Suites, 7007 Grover St, Omaha

Do you know someone looking for a job?
Come out to the JOB FAIR and visit with employers for a great job.  Hundreds of jobs will be available to interview for.
Bring plenty of resumes, dress to impress, be confident
go to for complete details and list of employers who will be PRESENT AND HIRING.

Questions??  email [email protected]

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>div>>span style=”color: #ff0000;”>>strong> JOB FAIR>/strong>>/span>>br />>br />>br />NOVEMBER 2, 2016  >br />10 a.m. – 4 p.m.>br />>br />>/div>
>div>Comfort Inn & Suites, 7007 Grover St, Omaha>br />>br />>/div>
>div>>span style=”color: #ff0000;”>Do you know someone looking for a job?>/span>>/div>
>div> >/div>
>div>Come out to the JOB FAIR and visit with employers for a great job.  Hundreds of jobs will be available to interview for.>/div>
>div>Bring plenty of resumes, dress to impress, be confident>/div>
>div>go to for complete details and list of employers who will be PRESENT AND HIRING.>br />>br />Questions??  email >a href=”mailto:[email protected]”>[email protected]>/a>>/div>