Have you ever thought about being in business for yourself working in a seasonal business.  Working when its not so nice out and still being able to enjoy your summers with your family when the weather is nice.  The retail tax industry might be what you are looking for.  Liberty Tax Service is hosting an event on September 6th right here in Omaha.  Learn about the advantages of this growing recession proof industry.  
September 6, 2017
9:30 AM to 3:30 PM – Hilton Garden Inn Omaha West, 17879 Chicago St
Lunch Provided
This event is free but attendees must register.  If interested, please RSVP by sending an email to Kyle Kinstler at [email protected] or call 701 570-3762.  
Thank you to our Sponsors:  
Presenter Sponsor:  JTH Inc.  
Host Sponsor:  Hilton Garden Inn

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>div>Have you ever thought about being in business for yourself working in a seasonal business.  Working when its not so nice out and still being able to enjoy your summers with your family when the weather is nice.  The retail tax industry might be what you are looking for.  Liberty Tax Service is hosting an event on September 6th right here in Omaha.  Learn about the advantages of this growing recession proof industry.  >/div>
>div> >/div>
>div> >/div>
>div>September 6, 2017>/div>
>div> >/div>
>div>9:30 AM to 3:30 PM – Hilton Garden Inn Omaha West, 17879 Chicago St>/div>
>div> >/div>
>div>Lunch Provided>/div>
>div> >/div>
>div>This event is free but attendees must register.  If interested, please RSVP by sending an email to Kyle Kinstler at [email protected] or call 701 570-3762.  >/div>
>div> >/div>
>div>Thank you to our Sponsors:  >/div>
>div>Presenter Sponsor:  JTH Inc.  >/div>
>div>Host Sponsor:  Hilton Garden Inn>/div>