
PromiseShip’s Grasstops Leadership Program is an intensive, experiential leadership training program to empower community members to take action to build stronger and more connected, caring and just communities.

The program launched in June 2018 and will run through March 2019. There are 13 members currently completing the program representing a diverse make-up of the greater Omaha community including representatives from Metropolitan Community College, Omaha Home for Boys, Boys Town, and the City of Omaha among many others – each bringing their unique perspective and knowledge to the program.

“I believe this program can be a game changer for the community. It is important to invest in the professional development of future community advocates,” said Randy Schmailzl of Metropolitan Community College who was part of the Grasstops Leadership Program selection committee.

Currently, the Grasstops Leaders are following a 10-month training curriculum meeting once a month to cover topics including current laws/events, communications skills and leadership practices.

After completion of the program, Grasstops Leaders will be better equipped to be stronger leaders of change in their communities. All program participants are current residents of Douglas or Sarpy counties and have a passion to bring positive change.

“We firmly believe that change comes from within communities; this program is designed to help participants be part of that change as a community leader,” said Dave Newell, President & CEO of PromiseShip.

To learn more about program details, visit or contact Angi Heller, Grasstops Leadership Program Manager at [email protected].