The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce are collaborating to host a round table to address the labor issues in Omaha’s construction industry.  This round table will bring together a small but diverse group of stakeholders in the construction market. Invited participants include large prime contractors, sub-contracts, policy makers, workforce development specialist and other stakeholders.   

The multi-billion dollar public construction projects occurring in Omaha over the next few years have given rise to the need for an increase in skilled construction labor.  This round table will serve as the beginning of a conversation to address this need. Three questions will be addressed, which are:

1)      What are the construction workforce supply challenges in the Omaha market place?

2)      What are the construction workforce demand challenges in the Omaha market place?

3)      What possibly strategies can be developed to better match the supply and demand needs of construction labor in the Omaha market place?



11:00AM to 11:30AM | Lunch & Networking

11:30AM to 11:40AM | Welcome & Introductions

11:40AM to 11:50AM | Omaha Construction Workforce Overview

                                                Winsley Durand, Executive Director, REACH Program

11:50AM to 12:15PM | Raise the Floor Build Ladder Workforce Development Strategies

                                                Steve Shepelwich, Sr. Community Development Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank

                                                of Kansas City, Oklahoma City Branch

12:15PM to 1:45PM | Facilitated Table Dialogue around Key Questions

1:45PM to 2:00PM | Next Steps & Adjourn


Where: The round table will be held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Omaha Branch.  The location is 2201 Farnam St.


To RSVP please email Dell Gines, Sr. Community Development Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City at [email protected] or Winsley Durand, Executive Director, REACH Initiative, Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce at [email protected].