The SHARE Omaha Engagement Space at the YP Summit will allow attendees to experience brought to life!
Come see how easy it is to do good for the nonprofits doing work that matters to you most. The SHARE Omaha Engagement Space will allow you to take part in giving time, dollars and items and connect your passion to action.
Give Dollars:
Explore 650+ local nonprofits serving families, the environment, veterans and more. Connect, get inspired and give support! Receive a free copper vacuum insulated “Do Good” bottle with donations of $20+ to any SHARE Omaha nonprofit at the YP Summit.
Give Time:
7:30am-12:15pm: Create plant label sticks for The Big Garden
- The Big Garden utilizes approximately 50,000 plant label sticks during a growing season! Stop by the SHARE Omaha engagement space to help add plant names and an encouraging note or doodle to these sticks that will identify vegetables, herbs and medicinal plants that will go into The Big Garden’s community gardens for families, reducing dependence on food banks or fast food.

12:30pm-5:30pm: Pack hygiene kits for Stephen Center
- Stephen Center greets clients experiencing homelessness at their emergency shelter with a hygiene kit and opportunity to feel renewed with a shower. You’re invited to come to the SHARE Omaha engagement space to put together these hygiene kits and include your own brief message of encouragement.
Give Items: SHARE Omaha and the YP Council encourage you to bring items for the SVdP Collection Drive!
Society of St. Vincent de Paul hands out new socks and underwear, along with meals, five days a week at their Holy Family location. Help support SVdP’s goal of preventing families from falling into homelessness by bringing packages of socks and underwear, in all sizes, to the YP Summit for donation. Have more to give? You’ll also have the opportunity to shop from 300+ additional local nonprofit wish lists at the YP Summit and lend support where you can.
Attend the 2022 YP Summit
Hosted by the Greater Omaha Chamber at the CHI Health Center Omaha, you can join thousands of other young professionals as we amplify our impact from the Middle of Everywhere.