For Meaghan Walls, helping children and adults with disabilities was a proud family tradition. “I was immersed at a young age in disability services through Children Respite Care Center, which was our family business,” Walls said. “I saw firsthand the issues and challenges those individuals experienced.”

Walls, naturally, was a fixture at the care center: “From hanging out in the classrooms, to volunteering and working there in high school and college, I was exposed to all the challenges the classrooms had with engaging children, as well as the issues therapists and parents had with access to services and activities.”

While in high school, Walls discovered a love for physics and engineering which steered her towards a career in assistive technology. “As an engineer, I’m passionate about creating ways to help individuals obtain access to their environment and activities that improve their quality of life.”

So, Walls started Assistology to bring more opportunities for accessible engagement in the Omaha community.

“Assistology provides Assistive Technology, Rehab Engineering, Accessibility and Universal Design consultation services to help individuals reach their goals and help businesses increase their ability to create inclusive spaces, services, products and practices,” said Walls.

“Every single person deserves the ability to participate in and contribute to their communities on their terms,” said Walls. “And Assistology is here to reduce and remove the barriers that can limit those engagements.”


Winning Insights from Our Winner:

Best Practice Tip for Small Business Owners

“No matter what you know you can offer, timing, resources and market readiness must all align. So, be willing to evolve and pivot. Because in order to develop as a business, you must be willing to deviate from the direct path you may have envisioned when starting the business and enjoy the journey of getting to your destination.”

The Value of Chamber Involvement

“Membership in the Chamber has allowed me to connect with area businesses and professionals to share what Assistology can offer. It has increased my business visibility and, I believe, infused DEI conversations with a disability-related thread. This increased awareness has helped advance accessibility and inclusive opportunities in our community and business spaces, which is at the heart of Assistology’s mission.”

Giving Back to the Community

Walls is an industry partner with Metro Community College’s Center for Advanced and Emerging Technology (CAET), which provides project experience to students. Each year she provides guest lectures to area colleges and university programs on the topics of Universal Design, Assistive Technology Assessment, Environmental Safety Assessments and Assistive Technology Use, in an effort to infuse a fresh perspective to the future workforce.

Exceptional Customer Service

Customer Focused and Community Centered are two of the core values that drive Assistology forward. So, it’s no wonder that personalized service is so important to Walls: “Whether or not an individual, business or family may directly use Assistology services, I always take the time to answer questions, share resources and make connections that will help them reach their desired outcome.”

Overall Operating Philosophy

“As expressed through our Vision Statement, Assistology exists to change the way people access their world, resulting in more inclusive communities. And through innovation and community partnerships, we develop and provide impactful Assistive Technology and Rehab Engineering Services that improve quality of life and develop environments without barriers.”

Many thanks to our generous sponsor!

Premier Bank is the sponsor of the Small Business of the Month award. View more information or nominate a small business online.

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