With the 2022 Nebraska Primary just around the corner on May 10, the YP Council is sharing important information to help you exercise your right to vote. Below are some frequent answers to questions YPs are asking.

How do I register to vote?

In Nebraska, you can register to vote by mail, in person or online at the Nebraska Secretary of State website. April 22 is the last date you can register to vote in the May 10 primary election. Your registration form must either be submitted online, in-person or postmarked by this date.

The below links provide more information on how to register:



How do I update my voter registration?

Whether you have moved, had a name change or want to change your political affiliation, making changes to your voter registration is simple. You can make updates using any of the methods used to initially register. You can update your registration in person until May 2 at your county’s Election Commission office, or by April 22 through other methods.

What types of identification will I need to provide to register or change registration?

In Nebraska, voters must only produce an ID when they first register by mail. If you do not provide this upon initial registration, you will be required to show ID when voting. The below documents that display the registrant’s name and current address are acceptable forms of identification:

  • Current, valid photo ID
  • Current utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Paycheck or government check
  • Other government document

I am a college student. What address should I use when registering to vote?

College students should register to vote in the county of their permanent address. This can be your on-campus or off-campus housing address, or the address of your residence with your parents.

I am a new resident of Nebraska and did not get to register to vote by the deadline on the website. Is there any way I can still vote in the next election?

If you are a new resident but missed the deadline to vote in the next election, you can complete the New or Former Resident Affidavit at your Election Commission office after the deadline has passed but before the polls close on Election Day.

I am a registered Nonpartisan. Which candidates can I vote for in the primary?

In Nebraska, registered nonpartisans have the option of only voting for offices up for election that are nonpartisan or can request to also vote for Democratic candidates. The Nebraska Republican Party has not opened up their primary to nonpartisan voters in 2022, so nonpartisan voters will not be able to take part in the Republican Gubernatorial primary unless they change their affiliation to Republican. Political affiliation can be changed until May 2 at your county’s Election Commission office, or by April 22 through other methods.

For more information on voter rights and registration, please visit the Nebraska Secretary of State’s General Information page.